"There are three classes of people: those who see. Those who see when they are shown. Those who do not see." – Leonardo da Vinci
The Secrets of the Universe

Remembering the past + future

The “Flower of Life” can be found in all major religions of the world since ancient times. In Egypt, the “Flower of Life” can be found in the ancient Temple of Abydos & from the Akhenaten period of monotheistic religion. In Israel, it can be found in ancient synagogues in the Galilee & Masada. It’s found in Islamic nations & was used by the early Christian Essenes before Christianity adopted a cross under Emperor Constantine.

The “Flower of Life” contains the patterns of creation as they emerged from the “Great Void.” The 6 points are encircled by a 7th shape, the circle & are representative of the 7 colors, the 7 sounds, & the 7 days of week in our time, based upon the spiral, cyclic, & circular motions of reality in the infinite universe. Everything is made from the unknowable  thought.


Among the five platonic solids derived by Leonardo da Vinci from the flower is the Golden Ratio of Phi, which is linked to the Flower of Life pattern.

The golden ratio is also called the golden mean, golden section, divine proportion, golden proportion, golden number, and Phi, meaning that its terms go on forever after the decimal point without repeating. Phi is 1.618 & closely associated with the Fibonacci sequence, in which every subsequent number in the sequence is found by adding together the two preceding numbers. This sequence goes 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 and so on. By taking the ratio of successive Fibonacci numbers, you can get closer and closer to phi. Drawings made by Leonardo da Vinci incorporated phi, and it is possible that da Vinci was the first to call it the “sectio aurea”, which is Latin for the “golden section”. Certain measurements of the Great Pyramid of Giza, such as the length of its base and/or its height, are in the golden ratio. Today it’s used to create what the eye sees as Beauty in design, music, film, nature and the arts, using the 2/3rd rule. The Renaissance artist Michelangelo extensively used the golden ratio in the Sistine Chapel. It can be found in plants, our own bodies, DNA, the Solar System, Architecture like the Parthenon, in the Stock Market, Theology, Geometry, and Mathematics. Even Google’s logo was designed using the Golden Ratio. It’s a very delicate, subtle secret science.

Leonardo Da vinci Knowledge

Leonardo became obsessed with the Golden Ratio. While working on the Mona Lisa for example, Leonardo is reported by Fra’ da Novellara to be concentrating intensely on the universal geometry. This was manifested particularly in the ‘Last Supper’ painting. There exists in mathematics a unique number, 0.618, which is the only one when divided into unity (1.0) yields its own reciprocal – 1.618. It is referred to as the ‘Golden Section’: also known as the ‘Golden Rule’, ‘Golden Number’, ’Golden Proportion’, ‘Golden Ratio’. The formula was recorded by Euclid, around 300 B.C, known as the fifth attribute of the Creator.

After the creation of the “Seed of Life”, the same vortex’s motion was continued, creating the next structure known as the “Egg of Life”. In three dimensional forms, this structure forms the basis for music, as the distances between the spheres are identical to the distances between the tones and the half tones in music. This structure is also identical to the cellular structure of the third embryonic division (The first cell divides into two cells, then to four cells, then to eight). Thus this same structure as it is further developed creates the human body and all of the energy systems. If we continue creating more and more spheres we will end up with the structure called the “Flower of Life”.

To Leonardo, and other Renaissance masters, the ‘Golden Ratio’ became a critical instrument in the matter of accurate proportionality. Leonardo’s drawing, the ‘Vitruvian Man‘ also codifies this harmonious universal code. Raphael too painted his massive fresco, ‘The School of Athens’, in the Vatican using Leonardo’s mathematical code. Leonardo was not the only artist using the secret design. The code was transmitted to Leonardo by his Master and to other Renaissance artists. Starting around 1430, artists began secretly using cameralike devices, including lenses, concave mirrors, and the camera obscura, to help them create realistic-looking paintings. Striving for geometrical perfection the adept artists included their secret code, which became like magic to the unknowing. The Golden Ratio is important for many areas of mathematics, the sciences, and natural phenomena’s,  acting as a fixed standard for aesthetics in the human form and in all arts. It continues to be used worldwide today.

Five Platonic Solids

By connecting all the middle points of the 13 circles within the Flower of Life one gets the pattern known as Metatron’s Cube. Inside it are five three- dimensional shapes known as the Platonic Solids, which Plato established. These five shapes and all their combinations create all the possible structures in the universe, such as the embryonic cell division existing in every living creature.

The five “Platonic Solids” are – the Dodecahedron, the Octahedron, the Icosahedron, the Tetrahedron, and the Cube. Pythagoras considered the dodecahedron to be the structure of the universe itself since the proportions of its facets held the key to Phi – the Golden Mean measure, which is found everywhere in nature.


Da Vinci's Notebook

The ancient Chinese Yin Yang, depicting the universal balance in nature, is a symbol of the “Universal Code”. The “Seed of Life” symbol can be seen directly codified in all major religious symbols, which were inherently created from what is known as the lost art of  “sacred geometry“.

The knowledge was discussed in “mystery schools” across the ages & was studied in the “Great Alexandrian Library” in Egypt, which was destroyed around the time the clock was reset to “Year Zero” before “1 A.D.”, during the Roman Emperor’s rising. The re-setting of the clock was to “restart” the timeline & to forget about the past. The Holy Bible is a collection of texts from ancient Sumerian cuneiform, like Genesis, which is nearly identical to the Babylonian Gilgamesh story, recording the Great Flood & the story of Creation.

The ancient ones codified creation beginning in 7 days, which became inherited partially in the Jewish Torah, the Christian Bible, & Islamic texts in the Quran, which  preserve much older knowledge based on this secret “universal code“. The Semitic texts state that the whole process of creation was completed in six days, just as the “Seed of Life” was drawn into existence; with “the Creator” resting on the 7th, which correlates to the encompassing circle around the “Seed of Life” geometric shape. The oldest known Bibles come from the Coptic Greeks in Egypt, from the Nag Hammadi Library of scrolls & the Alexandrian Codex Sinaiticus. All previous versions were destroyed. The Coptic’s compiled the Bible in Alexandria Egypt using the mystics scribes & scholars who compiled the age old texts and codified it further. These teachings are not openly discussed in religious study, which is missing a monumentally important part of spirituality. Only ritual and doctrine stand as the base for what is termed as Religion, which more often is hypocritical, judgmental, and extreme. For that reason the essence of spirit was codified in books across time for the real students or spiritual aspirants to grasp, which became less and less. Persecutions, Inquisitions, and full out attacks and destruction of people totally removed important knowledge and understanding, which plunged civilization into the dark ages until the Renaissance leaders re-lit the candle.

Traditionally, in Chinese religions the world was created on the 1st day of one cycle of 7 days of creation & then another cycle of 7 more days of creation, which extended upon the “dense physical sphere” into the “higher dimensional plane” where the ethereal deities were created. 14 days in total were used to create the “Human world” and the “Gods & Goddesses” creations and 1 day for the creation of the world itself, with a total of 15 days in totality. This formula equates to the 7 days in the western religions, which only discusses the 7 days of human creation. It’s the same ordered system from east to west.

In the Sikh Banni, Guru Nanak recorded that the universe was created by a Divine order, with a divine purpose. There is no creation story in the Sikh tradition, but Sri Dev Ji Guru Nanak left us with knowledge of the geometric “Dimensions”, which Guru Gobind Singh’s followers codified in the khanda, which also sits perfectly over the “Seed of Life” and goes upward to the next sphere, depicting the ethereal realm of the so called “Gods & Goddesses” creations. On the marble floor in Amritsar, India at the “Golden Temple” of the Sikh’s, a “Flower of Life” pattern was specifically constructed for all worshippers to see. The fifth Guru, Arjun Dev Ji, started to build the temple there in 1581 A.D. The universal knowledge is codified across the Gurbani, or Guru Granth Sahib, considered the 11th Guru, with “Living Words” the book of Guru Nanak’s wisdom.

In ancient Persia, Zoroastrianism also explained the codified meaning of the “Book of Creation”, listing out 7 days as well. On day 1- the sky was shaped from metal; day 2- the water made; day 3- the Earth; day 4- the plants; day 5- the animals; day 6- the Human form; day 7- the Fire (Agni), which purifies and provides warmth, heat for cooking, and the light to see. Further beyond the physical world a class of “7 divine created entities” (Amesha Spenta) emanating from “Ahura Mazda” of “Lord of Wisdom”, the highest divinity of the Zoroastrian religion.

The Ethiopian Book of Enoch continues discussion of the creation of Demons & Nephilim and some angels who fell from “Heaven” or the higher dimensions. Aramaic and Greek fragments found in the Dead Sea Scrolls show that it was known and a part of the early Christians & Jewish groups, only later to be totally removed by both. The Ethiopian Jewish descendants of Solomon and his wife Makeda of Sheba also retain the codified knowledge in Chapter 27-28 – where it says “God creates water and land from the light and darkness. “Seven circles” are established for seven stars. This is the first day of the “creation week”.”

The oldest known Bibles come from the Coptic Greeks in Egypt from the Nag Hammadi Library of scrolls & the Alexandrian Codex Sinaiticus. All previous versions were destroyed. The Coptic’s compiled the Bible in Alexandria Egypt using the mystics scribes & scholars who codified it further. These teachings are not openly discussed in religious study, which is missing a big part of the wisdoms of ancient spirituality. Alexandria was a port city to the Mediterranean sea. The library would confiscate books from all around the world and copy them, retaining the original, giving the copy back in return. Once it was destroyed and put on fire, humanity lost everything. It all became mixed up with missing pieces.

China's Forbidden City

This sacred mathematical ratio found in nature can be used to create pleasing, natural looking compositions in our design work. Building your graphic design around a golden rectangle or a Fibonacci sequence takes some real art mastery, but any designer can use it as a general guideline to add tweaks and improvements to their design. The newest version of Photoshop even has golden ratio and spiral overlay options built-in. You can also use the golden ratio to add aesthetic appeal directly to a company’s branding. 

The Golden ratio is a masters tool and something that should be practiced more authentically by every artist, designer, architect and anyone related to the arts. Our society has already lost the ancient knowledge connection to our spirit and universe, but it’s still around for the seekers to find and it’s right in everyone’s face across the art & designs we take in on a daily basis.


With the destruction of all the great libraries in the ancient world, in China, Persepolis, India, and Alexandria, Egypt, humankind lost an enormous amount of knowledge and wisdom. Even today this knowledge is not openly taught. You have to ask yourself, why?

Pharaoh Akhenaten

The Flower of Life was taught in Egypt in the 18th Dynasty, during the reign of Pharaoh Akhenaten. He established three schools of mysticism; The Left eye of Horus; The Right eye of Horus; and the Middle or Third eye. The Egyptians were aware of dimensions and referred to a higher level of existence called “The Fourth Dimension,” known as the “afterlife”. The “Dimensional Eye” was the space between two circles, which overlapped the physical and spiritual worlds. The ancient Ankh depicted the eye in a loop. The aim of Akhenaten’s Armana schools of Light, was to reinstate the knowledge of the “One true force” that exists everywhere and in everything. This knowledge was lost long ago, which resulted in further imbalance between the “good and evil”, duality consciousness, leaving the balancing middle eye absent, causing further corruption and misunderstanding of the spirit in the infinite universe.

In Egyptian, “Ka” means “Spirit” and “Ba” means “Body. In the land of Israel, the early teachings of the Kabbalah delved into the studies of another sacred pattern, hidden in the Flower of Life – The “Tree of Life”. These sacred geometries were used in mystical ways, coming from the most wise & good King Solomon who had recorded it very deeply in his Prophets book, the Book of Nathan. This book was taken out of the Jewish Bible in the BC time when it was re-written, based on memory in Babylon; leaving the Holy Bible directing the reader to see the Book of Nathan, but there is no Book of Nathan. Parts of the codified knowledge later showed up with the Sephardic Jewish mystics, having spread from the Dead Sea Essene’s, who imparted some of it to the early Christians and later persecuted Cathars. This knowledge spread through the Islamic world too, since Solomon is also a big part of the Quran.

In the Kabbalah, the two triangles represent the dichotomies inherent in humanity: male vs. female, good vs. evil, spiritual vs. physical. The Star of David is sometimes known as Solomon’s Seal / Magen (shield), or the Creator’s Star, in which each of the six points represents a day of the week and the center corresponds to the Sabbath. Jewish monks used sacred geometric interpretations, to divide the entire Hebrew alphabet in its correct order using the Six pointed symbol within the Seed of Life.
Important note
“The eye, the window of the soul, is the chief means whereby the understanding can most fully and abundantly appreciate the infinite works of Nature.-Leonardo da Vinci